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The community driven hub around the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) ecosystem. This site brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and educational content. Connect with the community of AWS CDK, CDK for Kubernetes (cdk8s) and CDK for Terraform (cdktf).


Recent Community Blog Posts

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AWS CDK tips and tricks for developers

AWS CDK tips and tricks for developers

✍️ New blog post by JNN5 AWS CDK tips and tricks for developers #aws #programming #javascript #python

Exploring CI/CD with AWS CDK Express Pipeline: Faster and Efficient Deployments

Exploring CI/CD with AWS CDK Express Pipeline: Faster and Efficient Deployments

Build a CDK Express Pipeline with this Open Source Project that has create - it speeds up your development flow and allows you to run your pipelines locally aswell.... Learn more at youtu.be/pma4zP7mhMU #cicd #awscommunity #opensource #oss #awsheroes

GitHub - pawelgrzybek/comments-stack: Comments engine for my personal website https://pawelgrzybek.com.

GitHub - pawelgrzybek/comments-stack: Comments engine for my personal website https://pawelgrzybek.com.

You will be very happy because this is the stack I partially learned from you 😘 It is a CDK stack, hooked it into my static Hugo website. Each time someone comments, I get an email. After approving, the web hook triggers the Netlify rebuild. Job done :) github.com/pawelgrzybek...

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Paweł Grzybek

added ·github.com

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Just published a new blog post about using CDK to deploy serverless applications! Check it out here: [link]

#aws-cdk #infrastructure
/cc @cdk.dev

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